Originally published at http://www.circumcisionquotes.com/nurses.html
Nurses’ Stories
“24-07-01 RE: does anyone keep babies npo prior to circumcision? Melinda.
Diane, I don’t know of any studies on this, but we require NPO for 2 hours prior to circs to reduce the risk of aspiration if the infant should vomit from stress. Hope this helps!”
Melinda Porter, RN
Neonatal Outreach Educator
UCSF Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
“From a nurse who has seen many circumcisions, IF you want to have your son circumcised at LEAST, know who is doing the circumcision. I work in a teaching hospital and have seen many circs done by residents who were doing their FIRST. Would you want to leave your sons penis in THOSE hands?
“I can’t stomach assisting in any and don’t work in an area where I have to anymore. The pain these babies go through is incredible.
“We did not circumcise Cody (4). My pediatrician did not circ her two sons. The older decided he did want to be circ’d at age 15. How nice that is was HIS decision!” –Lori
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